Sunday 21 October 2007

Joseph James Krolick

Sorry, as it's got nothing to do with Animation Mentor, but at 5.54am on the 19th of October, JJ Krolick (my son) was born.
Below is a small selection of the THOUSANDS of photos that I've already taken of him. He was just over 8 lb's in weight, and was born in a waterbath. Trippy as hell!!!!

Wednesday 10 October 2007

Week 2 at Animation Mentor.

Right, I'm now half way through week 2. I woke up this morning at 5.50 am to watch a live Tech support Q&A with Kevin Freeman. Most of the topics were slightly over my head, but I stuck on in there. He did let it slip that he animated Spiderman and the Silver Surfer. (Crumbs!)
Anyhoo, a little ahead of schedule, I've uploaded my week 2 Assignment. (Go to a public place, draw people, then re-create 1 pose with the 'Stu' character.)
The reason I'm a little ahead of shedule, is that Sophie, my girlfriend, is 2 days short of being 9 months pregnant. So, as my next week could pottentially be a tad challenging, I thought I'd get the work done at the earliest opportunity.
Here's what I uploaded;

Monday 1 October 2007

Monday 1st October

Ok, I'm a bit new to all this blogging lark, but I'll give it a shot.
I'm commencing Animation Mentor today, so now's a good a time as any to start this whole ball rolling. (Or bouncing...)
I've watched all the orientation videos. I've checked out all the Maya training videos and I've also had a few emails from some of my fellow classmates.
I think it all starts for me tonight. 8 o'clock to be precise. As London's 8 hours ahead of California, I think they'll be loads of new info when I log on at 8.
The 1st few assignments seem pretty easy, but it all goes a little crazy after that. I watched a video on the AM site of a lad who wa holding down a full-time job, had 2 kids and was half way through the AM course. He looked totally exhausted. As I'm expecting my 1st child any day now, and I've got a full-time job, this all scared the sh*t out of me.

Oh well, I'll keep you all posted as I go on.

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